Simuling Vs Mathlab Does Knowing One Mean You Know the Other

Numerical computing environment and programming linguistic communication

MATLAB (programming language)
Image multi-paradigm: functional, imperative, procedural, object-oriented, assortment
Designed by Cleve Moler
Developer MathWorks
First appeared late 1970s
Stable release

R2021b[1]Edit this on Wikidata / September 22, 2021; 5 months ago  (September 22, 2021)

Typing subject field dynamic, weak
Filename extensions .m, .p,[two] .mex*,[3] .mat,[4] .fig,[5] .mlx,[half dozen] .mlapp,[seven] .mltbx,[8] .mlappinstall,[9] .mlpkginstall[x]
Influenced by
  • APL
  • PL/0
  • Speakeasy[xi]
  • Julia[12]
  • Octave[13]
  • Scilab[14]
  • INTLAB[15] [16] [17] [18]
  • MATLAB Programming at Wikibooks
MATLAB (software)
Matlab Logo.png

Fifty-shaped membrane logo[nineteen]

Programmer(s) MathWorks
Initial release 1984; 38 years ago  (1984)
Stable release

R2021b[1]Edit this on Wikidata / September 22, 2021; 5 months ago  (September 22, 2021)

Written in C/C++, MATLAB
Operating system Windows, macOS, and Linux[xx] [21]
Platform IA-32, x86-64
Blazon Numerical computing
License Proprietary commercial software

MATLAB (an abridgement of "MATrix LABoratory") is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming linguistic communication and numeric computing surround adult past MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.

Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numeric computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine allowing access to symbolic calculating abilities. An boosted bundle, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems.

As of 2020, MATLAB has more than 4 one thousand thousand users worldwide.[22] They come from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics.

History [edit]

Origins [edit]

MATLAB was invented by mathematician and figurer developer Cleve Moler.[23] The idea for MATLAB was based on his 1960s PhD thesis.[23] Moler became a math professor at the University of New Mexico and started developing MATLAB for his students[23] as a hobby.[24] He adult MATLAB's initial linear algebra programming in 1967 with his one-time thesis advisor, George Forsythe.[23] This was followed by Fortran code for linear equations in 1971.[23]

In the first (before version 1.0) MATLAB "was not a programming linguistic communication; it was a simple interactive matrix calculator. At that place were no programs, no toolboxes, no graphics. And no ODEs or FFTs."[25]

The starting time early version of MATLAB was completed in the tardily 1970s.[23] The software was disclosed to the public for the first time in February 1979 at the Naval Postgraduate School in California.[24] Early on versions of MATLAB were simple matrix calculators with 71 pre-built functions.[26] At the fourth dimension, MATLAB was distributed for free[27] [28] to universities.[29] Moler would exit copies at universities he visited and the software adult a potent following in the math departments of university campuses.[30] : five

In the 1980s, Cleve Moler met John N. Trivial. They decided to reprogram MATLAB in C and market it for the IBM desktops that were replacing mainframe computers at the fourth dimension.[23] John Niggling and programmer Steve Bangert re-programmed MATLAB in C, created the MATLAB programming linguistic communication, and developed features for toolboxes.[24]

Commercial development [edit]

MATLAB was outset released as a commercial product in 1984 at the Automatic Control Briefing in Las Vegas.[23] [24] MathWorks, Inc. was founded to develop the software[28] and the MATLAB programming language was released.[26] The first MATLAB auction was the post-obit year, when Nick Trefethen from the Massachusetts Constitute of Engineering bought ten copies.[24] [31]

By the end of the 1980s, several hundred copies of MATLAB had been sold to universities for pupil use.[24] The software was popularized largely thanks to toolboxes created by experts in diverse fields for performing specialized mathematical tasks.[27] Many of the toolboxes were developed as a result of Stanford students that used MATLAB in academia, and so brought the software with them to the individual sector.[24]

Over time, MATLAB was re-written for early operating systems created by Digital Equipment Corporation, VAX, Sun Microsystems, and for Unix PCs.[24] [26] Version 3 was released in 1987.[32] The first MATLAB compiler was developed by Stephen C. Johnson in the 1990s.[26]

In 2000, MathWorks added a Fortran-based library for linear algebra in MATLAB 6, replacing the software'south original LINPACK and EISPACK subroutines that were in C.[26] MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolbox was released at the 2004 Supercomputing Briefing and support for graphics processing units (GPUs) was added to it in 2010.[26]

Recent history [edit]

Some especially large changes to the software were made with version 8 in 2012.[33] The user interface was reworked[ citation needed ] and Simulink's functionality was expanded.[34] By 2016, MATLAB had introduced several technical and user interface improvements, including the MATLAB Live Editor notebook, and other features.[26]

Features [edit]

MATLAB combines a desktop environment tuned for iterative assay and design processes with a programming language that expresses matrix and array mathematics directly. It includes the Alive Editor for creating scripts that combine lawmaking, output, and formatted text in an executable notebook. It allows to extend its functions and developments of all kinds of discipline through a set of characteristics called toolbox.

Toolbox [edit]

  • 5G Toolbox: Simulate, analyze, and test 5G communications systems
  • Aerospace Toolbox: Analyze and visualize aerospace vehicle motion using reference standards and models
  • Antenna Toolbox: Pattern, analyze, and visualize antenna elements and antenna arrays
  • Audio Toolbox: Design and analyze speech, acoustic, and audio processing systems
  • Communications Toolbox: Pattern and simulate the physical layer of communications systems
  • Deep Learning Toolbox: Design, train, and analyze deep learning networks
  • DSP System Toolbox: Design and simulate streaming signal processing systems
  • Financial Toolbox: Clarify financial information and develop financial models
  • LTE Toolbox: Simulate, analyze, and exam the physical layer of LTE and LTE-Avant-garde wireless communications systems
  • GPU Coder: Generate CUDA code for NVIDIA GPUs
  • MATLAB Compiler: Build standalone executables and web apps from MATLAB programs
  • Radar Toolbox: Design, simulate, and test multifunction radar systems
  • RF PCB Toolbox: Perform electromagnetic analysis of printed excursion boards
  • Satellite Communications Toolbox: Simulate, analyze, and test satellite communications systems and links
  • SerDes Toolbox: Design SerDes systems and generate IBIS-AMI models for high-speed digital interconnects
  • Signal Integrity Toolbox: Simulate and analyze high-speed serial and parallel links
  • Signal Processing Toolbox: Perform signal processing and análisis
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox: Analyze and model data using statistics and motorcar learning
  • Symbolic Math Toolbox: Perform symbolic math computations
  • Wavelet Toolbox: Clarify and synthesize signals and images using wavelets

In add-on to these, you tin can develop applications for all kinds of industries, with more 100 Toolboxes for Matlab and Simulink.[35]

Syntax [edit]

The MATLAB application is built around the MATLAB programming language. Mutual usage of the MATLAB application involves using the "Command Window" as an interactive mathematical shell or executing text files containing MATLAB code.[36]

Variables [edit]

Variables are defined using the assignment operator, =. MATLAB is a weakly typed programming language because types are implicitly converted.[37] It is an inferred typed language because variables tin be assigned without declaring their blazon, except if they are to be treated equally symbolic objects,[38] and that their type tin can change. Values can come from constants, from computation involving values of other variables, or from the output of a office. For example:

                        >>                        x                                    =                                    17                        x =                          17            >>                        10                                    =                                    'hat'                        x =            hat            >>                        x                                    =                                    [            3            *            iv            ,                                    pi            /            ii            ]                        x =                          12.0000    i.5708            >>                        y                                    =                                    3            *            sin            (            x            )                        y =                          -1.6097    iii.0000          

Vectors and matrices [edit]

A uncomplicated array is defined using the colon syntax: initial : increment : terminator. For instance:

                        >>                                    array                                    =                                    1            :            ii            :            9                        assortment                                    =                                                1                                    3                                    5                                    7                                    ix                      

defines a variable named array (or assigns a new value to an existing variable with the proper name array) which is an array consisting of the values ane, 3, v, 7, and 9. That is, the array starts at 1 (the initial value), increments with each step from the previous value by 2 (the increment value), and stops in one case it reaches (or is nigh to exceed) 9 (the terminator value).

The increment value can actually be left out of this syntax (along with one of the colons), to utilise a default value of 1.

                        >>                                    ari                                    =                                    1            :            5                        ari                                    =                                                1                                    2                                    3                                    4                                    5                      

assigns to the variable named ari an assortment with the values i, 2, iii, 4, and v, since the default value of 1 is used as the increment.

Indexing is one-based,[39] which is the usual convention for matrices in mathematics, different zero-based indexing commonly used in other programming languages such as C, C++, and Java.

Matrices tin be defined by separating the elements of a row with bare space or comma and using a semicolon to terminate each row. The list of elements should be surrounded by square brackets []. Parentheses () are used to access elements and subarrays (they are besides used to announce a function argument list).

                        >>                                    A                                    =                                    [            16                                    3                                    2                                    13            ;                                    5                                    10                                    11                                    8            ;                                    9                                    6                                    vii                                    12            ;                                    four                                    15                                    fourteen                                    1]                        A                                    =                                                xvi                                    3                                    2                                    13                                                v                                    10                                    11                                    8                                                9                                    6                                    7                                    12                                                4                                    15                                    14                                    1                        >>                                    A            (            2            ,            3            )                        ans                                    =                                                11                      

Sets of indices can be specified by expressions such every bit 2:4, which evaluates to [2, 3, 4]. For example, a submatrix taken from rows two through 4 and columns iii through 4 tin be written every bit:

                        >>                                    A            (            ii            :            4            ,            3            :            4            )                        ans                                    =                                                11                                    viii                                                seven                                    12                                                14                                    ane                      

A square identity matrix of size due north tin be generated using the function eye, and matrices of whatsoever size with zeros or ones can be generated with the functions zeros and ones, respectively.

                        >>                                    heart            (            3            ,            3            )                        ans                                    =                                                1                                    0                                    0                                                0                                    1                                    0                                                0                                    0                                    ane                        >>                                    zeros            (            2            ,            3            )                        ans                                    =                                                0                                    0                                    0                                                0                                    0                                    0                        >>                                    ones            (            two            ,            3            )                        ans                                    =                                                1                                    1                                    ane                                                one                                    1                                    ane                      

Transposing a vector or a matrix is done either by the function transpose or past adding dot-prime number later on the matrix (without the dot, prime number volition perform cohabit transpose for complex arrays):

                        >>                                    A                                    =                                    [            1                                    ;                                    2            ],                                    B                                    =                                    A            .            '            ,                                    C                                    =                                    transpose            (            A            )                        A                                    =                                                one                                                ii                        B                                    =                                                ane                                    2                        C                                    =                                                ane                                    2                        >>                                    D                                    =                                    [            0                                    3                                    ;                                    1                                    v],                                    D.            '                        D                                    =                                                0                                    3                                                one                                    5                        ans                                    =                                                0                                    1                                                3                                    5                      

Most functions accept arrays as input and operate element-wise on each element. For case, mod(2*J,n) will multiply every chemical element in J by 2, and then reduce each element modulo due north. MATLAB does include standard for and while loops, just (as in other similar applications such as R), using the vectorized notation is encouraged and is ofttimes faster to execute. The following code, excerpted from the function magic.m, creates a magic square M for odd values of n (MATLAB office meshgrid is used here to generate square matrices I and J containing i:n):

                        [            J            ,            I            ]                                    =                                    meshgrid            (            1            :            northward            );                        A                                    =                                    mod            (            I                                    +                                    J                                    -                                    (            n                                    +                                    3            )                                    /                                    ii            ,                                    n            );                        B                                    =                                    mod            (            I                                    +                                    2                                    *                                    J                                    -                                    2            ,                                    n            );                        G                                    =                                    n                                    *                                    A                                    +                                    B                                    +                                    one            ;                      

Structures [edit]

MATLAB supports structure information types.[twoscore] Since all variables in MATLAB are arrays, a more than adequate name is "structure array", where each element of the array has the same field names. In addition, MATLAB supports dynamic field names[41] (field await-ups past name, field manipulations, etc.).

Functions [edit]

When creating a MATLAB office, the name of the file should friction match the name of the start function in the file. Valid function names begin with an letter, and tin can contain letters, numbers, or underscores. Variables and functions are case sensitive.[42] gbImage = imread('ecg.png'); grayImage = rgb2gray(rgbImage); % for non-indexed images level = graythresh(grayImage); % threshold for converting image to binary, binaryImage = im2bw(grayImage, level); % Extract the private ruddy, green, and blue color channels. redChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 1); greenChannel = rgbImage(:, :, ii); blueChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 3); % Make the black parts pure ruby. redChannel(~binaryImage) = 255; greenChannel(~binaryImage) = 0; blueChannel(~binaryImage) = 0; % Now recombine to form the output paradigm. rgbImageOut = true cat(3, redChannel, greenChannel, blueChannel); imshow(rgbImageOut);

Function handles [edit]

MATLAB supports elements of lambda calculus by introducing function handles,[43] or function references, which are implemented either in .m files or anonymous[44]/nested functions.[45]

Classes and object-oriented programming [edit]

MATLAB supports object-oriented programming including classes, inheritance, virtual dispatch, packages, laissez passer-past-value semantics, and pass-by-reference semantics.[46] However, the syntax and calling conventions are significantly unlike from other languages. MATLAB has value classes and reference classes, depending on whether the grade has handle as a super-class (for reference classes) or not (for value classes).[47]

Method call beliefs is dissimilar between value and reference classes. For case, a phone call to a method:

can change whatever member of object only if object is an instance of a reference class, otherwise value class methods must return a new instance if it needs to modify the object.

An example of a simple class is provided beneath:

                        classdef                                    Howdy                                                methods                                                function                                    greet            (obj)                                                disp            (            'Hullo!'            )                                                end                                                stop                        end                      

When put into a file named how-do-you-do.m, this can be executed with the following commands:

                        >>                        x                                    =                                    Hello            ();                        >>                        x            .            greet            ();                        Hullo!          

Graphics and graphical user interface programming [edit]

MATLAB has tightly integrated graph-plotting features. For example, the office plot tin can exist used to produce a graph from two vectors ten and y. The lawmaking:

                        x                                    =                                    0            :            pi            /            100            :            two            *            pi            ;                        y                                    =                                    sin            (            10            );                        plot            (            x            ,            y            )                      

produces the following figure of the sine part:

Matlab plot sin.svg

MATLAB supports three-dimensional graphics as well:

MATLAB supports developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications.[48] UIs can exist generated either programmatically or using visual blueprint environments such every bit GUIDE and App Designer.[49] [50]

MATLAB and other languages [edit]

MATLAB can call functions and subroutines written in the programming languages C or Fortran.[51] A wrapper function is created allowing MATLAB information types to be passed and returned. MEX files (MATLAB executables) are the dynamically loadable object files created past compiling such functions.[52] [53] Since 2014 increasing two-way interfacing with Python was beingness added.[54] [55]

Libraries written in Perl, Java, ActiveX or .NET can exist directly called from MATLAB,[56] [57] and many MATLAB libraries (for example XML or SQL back up) are implemented as wrappers effectually Java or ActiveX libraries. Calling MATLAB from Java is more than complicated, but can exist washed with a MATLAB toolbox[58] which is sold separately by MathWorks, or using an undocumented mechanism called JMI (Java-to-MATLAB Interface),[59] [lx] (which should non be dislocated with the unrelated Java Metadata Interface that is too called JMI). Official MATLAB API for Java was added in 2016.[61]

As alternatives to the MuPAD based Symbolic Math Toolbox bachelor from MathWorks, MATLAB tin be connected to Maple or Mathematica.[62] [63]

Libraries also exist to import and export MathML.[64]

While MATLAB is the well-nigh popular commercial numerical computation software package,[65] other alternatives are available, such every bit the open up source computation language GNU Octave, the statistics programming language R, the calculating environment Maple and the computational language Julia.[65] [66]

Withdrawal from China [edit]

In 2020, Chinese state media reported that MATLAB had withdrawn services from two Chinese universities as a result of US sanctions, and said this will be responded to by increased use of open-source alternatives and past developing domestic alternatives.[67]

Release history [edit]

MATLAB is updated twice per twelvemonth.[68] : 517 [34] In addition to new features and other improvements, each release has new bug fixes and smaller changes.[69]

Version[lxx] Release name Number Bundled JVM Year Release appointment Notes
MATLAB 1.0 1984
MATLAB ii 1986
MATLAB iii 1987 First Matlab toolbox introduced; support for ordinary differential equations added.[26] : 81
MATLAB three.5 1990 Ran on DOS but needed at least a 386 processor; needed a math coprocessor.
MATLAB 4 1992 Ran on Windows iii.1x and Macintosh.
MATLAB 4.2c 1994 Ran on Windows iii.1x; needed a math coprocessor.
MATLAB five.0 Volume viii 1996 December 1996 Unified releases beyond all platforms.
MATLAB five.1 Volume ix 1997 May 1997
MATLAB 5.1.1
MATLAB v.two R10 1998 March 1998 Concluding version working on classic Macs.
MATLAB 5.2.1 R10.ane
MATLAB v.3 R11 1999 January 1999
MATLAB five.3.1 R11.ane November 1999
MATLAB six.0 R12 12 1.1.8 2000 November 2000 First release with bundled Coffee virtual car (JVM).
MATLAB 6.i R12.1 1.3.0 2001 June 2001 Concluding release for Windows 95.
MATLAB vi.five R13 13 one.three.1 2002 July 2002
MATLAB 6.5.1 R13SP1 2003
MATLAB half-dozen.5.2 R13SP2 Last release for Windows 98, Windows ME, IBM/AIX, Alpha/TRU64, and SGI/IRIX.[71]
MATLAB seven R14 14 1.4.2 2004 June 2004 Introduced bearding and nested functions;[72] re-introduced for Mac (under Mac OS 10).
MATLAB 7.0.1 R14SP1 Oct 2004
R14SP1+ 2004 Nov 2004 Parallel Computing Toolbox introduced.[26] : 4 [73] : 3
MATLAB vii.0.four R14SP2 1.5.0 2005 March 7, 2005 Support added for memory-mapped files.[74]
MATLAB 7.1 R14SP3 1.five.0 September 1, 2005 Offset 64-bit version bachelor for Windows XP 64-bit.
MATLAB seven.2 R2006a 15 1.5.0 2006 March 1, 2006
MATLAB 7.3 R2006b 16 ane.5.0 September 1, 2006 HDF5-based MAT-file support added.
MATLAB seven.iv R2007a 17 1.five.0_07 2007 March 1, 2007 New bsxfun role added to utilise element-past-element binary operation with singleton expansion enabled.[75]
MATLAB 7.five R2007b eighteen 1.half-dozen.0 September 1, 2007 Last release for Windows 2000 and PowerPC Mac; License Server back up for Windows Vista;[76] new internal format for P-lawmaking.
MATLAB 7.half dozen R2008a nineteen one.6.0 2008 March ane, 2008 Major enhancements to object-oriented programming abilities with a new class definition syntax;[77] power to manage namespaces with packages.[78]
MATLAB 7.7 R2008b xx one.6.0_04 October 9, 2008 Last release for processors w/o SSE2; New Map data structure;[79] upgrades to random number generators.[80]
MATLAB 7.viii R2009a 21 2009 March 6, 2009 First release for Microsoft 32-bit & 64-bit Windows 7; new external interface to .NET Framework.[81]
MATLAB 7.nine R2009b 22 ane.half dozen.0_12 September 4, 2009 First release for Intel 64-bit Mac, and last for Solaris SPARC; new use for the tilde operator (~) to ignore arguments in part calls.[82] [83]
MATLAB vii.9.1 R2009bSP1 i.six.0_12 2010 April 1, 2010 Bug fixes.
MATLAB 7.10 R2010a 23 one.6.0_12 March v, 2010 Terminal release for Intel 32-scrap Mac.
MATLAB vii.11 R2010b 24 1.6.0_17 September 3, 2010 Added support for enumerations;[84] added features for running MATLAB code on NVIDIA CUDA-based GPUs.[85]
MATLAB 7.11.i R2010bSP1 1.6.0_17 2011 March 17, 2011 Issues fixes and updates.
MATLAB 7.11.two R2010bSP2 1.6.0_17 April v, 2012[86] Bug fixes.
MATLAB 7.12 R2011a 25 1.6.0_17 Apr 8, 2011 New rng function to control random number generation.[87] [88] [89]
MATLAB seven.xiii R2011b 26 1.6.0_17 September i, 2011 Added ability to admission/change parts of variables directly in MAT-files, without loading into memory;[90] increased maximum local workers with Parallel Calculating Toolbox from eight to 12.[91]
MATLAB vii.xiv R2012a 27 ane.half-dozen.0_17 2012 March 1, 2012 Terminal version with 32-scrap Linux support.[92]
MATLAB 8 R2012b 28 i.6.0_17 September eleven, 2012 First release with Toolstrip interface;[93] MATLAB Apps introduced;[94] redesigned documentation system.
MATLAB 8.ane R2013a 29 1.half dozen.0_17 2013 March 7, 2013 New unit testing framework.[95]
MATLAB 8.2 R2013b xxx ane.7.0_11 September 6, 2013[96] Built in Java Runtime Environment (JRE) updated to version 7;[97] New tabular array data type.[98]
MATLAB viii.iii R2014a 31 one.7.0_11 2014 March 7, 2014[99] Simplified compiler setup for building MEX-files; USB Webcams support in core MATLAB; number of local workers no longer express to 12 with Parallel Computing Toolbox.
MATLAB 8.4 R2014b 32 1.7.0_11 October 3, 2014 New class-based graphics engine (a.k.a. HG2);[100] tabbing function in GUI;[101] improved user toolbox packaging and assist files;[102] new objects for fourth dimension-date manipulations;[103] Git-Subversion integration in IDE;[104] big data abilities with MapReduce (scalable to Hadoop);[105] new py package for using Python from inside MATLAB;[106] new engine interface to call MATLAB from Python;[107] several new and improved functions: webread (RESTful web services with JSON/XML support), tcpclient (socket-based connections), histcounts, histogram, animatedline, and others.
MATLAB viii.five R2015a 33 1.vii.0_60 2015 March 5, 2015
MATLAB 8.5 R2015aSP1 i.7.0_60 October fourteen, 2015 Final release supporting Windows XP and Windows Vista.
MATLAB viii.six R2015b 34 1.vii.0_60 September 3, 2015 New MATLAB execution engine (a.k.a. LXE);[108] graph and digraph classes to piece of work with graphs and networks;[109] MinGW-w64 as supported compiler on Windows;[110] terminal version with 32-bit back up.
MATLAB 9.0 R2016a 35 1.7.0_60 2016 March iii, 2016 Released Live Scripts: interactive documents that combine text, code, and output (in the fashion of Literate programming);[111] App Designer introduced: a new development environment for building apps (with new kind of UI figures, axes, and components);[112] pause execution of running programs using a Suspension Push button.
MATLAB 9.1 R2016b 36 i.7.0_60 September 15, 2016 Added ability to ascertain local functions in scripts;[113] automatic expansion of dimensions (previously provided via explicit phone call to bsxfun); tall arrays for Large information;[114] new cord blazon;[115] new functions to encode/decode JSON;[116] official MATLAB Engine API for Java.[61]
MATLAB 9.two R2017a 37 one.7.0_60 2017 March ix, 2017 Released MATLAB Online: deject-based MATLAB desktop accessed in a web browser;[117] double-quoted strings; new memoize function for Memoization; expanded object backdrop validation;[118] mocking framework for unit testing;[119] MEX targets 64-bit by default; new heatmap role for creating heatmap charts.[120]
MATLAB ix.3 R2017b 38 ane.8.0_121 September 21, 2017 Introduced a GPU Coder that converts MATLAB code to CUDA code for Nvidia.[121]
MATLAB 9.4 R2018a 39 ane.8.0_144 2018 March 15, 2018[122] Improvements to the Alive editor; introduction of the C++ MEX interface; power to customize tab completion; web applications.[123]
MATLAB 9.5 R2018b 40 1.eight.0_152 September 12, 2018 Added back up for cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services; Neural Network Toolbox replaced with Deep Learning Toolbox.[124]
MATLAB 9.6 R2019a 41 ane.8.0_181 2019 March 20, 2019 Released MATLAB Projects; added state car programming with Stateflow.[125]
MATLAB ix.7 R2019b 42 ane.8.0_202 September 11, 2019 Introduction of 'arguments' cake for input validation; enabling of dot indexing into function outputs; introduction of Live Editor Tasks.[126]
MATLAB 9.viii R2020a 43 2020 March nineteen, 2020 Removal of Mupad notebook; improved back up for AMD CPUs (AVX2);[127] default UTF-eight encoding for MATLAB lawmaking files;[128] ability to create stand up-lone applications with Simulink.[129]
MATLAB ix.nine R2020b 44 September 17, 2020 Improved back up for AMD CPUs (AVX2);[127] online version of Simulink.[130]
MATLAB 9.ten R2021a 45 2021 March 11,2021
MATLAB 9.11 R2021b September 22, 2021

The number (or release number) is the version reported by Concurrent License Manager program FLEXlm. For a complete list of changes of both MATLAB and official toolboxes, consult the MATLAB release notes.[131]

See also [edit]

  • Comparison of numerical-assay software
  • GNU Octave
  • List of numerical-analysis software

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b
  2. ^ "Protect Your Source Code". MathWorks. Retrieved November i, 2019.
  3. ^ "MEX Platform Compatibility". MathWorks. Retrieved Nov one, 2019.
  4. ^ "MAT-File Versions". MathWorks. Retrieved November 1, 2019.
  5. ^ "Salve Figure to Reopen in MATLAB Later". MathWorks. Retrieved Nov 1, 2019.
  6. ^ "Live Code File Format (.mlx)". MathWorks. Retrieved Nov ane, 2019.
  7. ^ "MATLAB App Designer". MathWorks. Retrieved Nov 1, 2019.
  8. ^ "Toolbox Distribution". MathWorks. Retrieved November one, 2019.
  9. ^ "MATLAB App Installer File". MathWorks. Retrieved November 1, 2019.
  10. ^ "Back up Package Installation". MathWorks. Retrieved November 1, 2019.
  11. ^ "An interview with CLEVE MOLER Conducted past Thomas Haigh On 8 and ix March, 2004 Santa Barbara, California" (PDF). Computer History Museum. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 27, 2014. Retrieved December 6, 2016. So APL, Speakeasy, LINPACK, EISPACK, and PL0 were the predecessors to MATLAB.
  12. ^ Bezanson, Jeff; Karpinski, Stefan; Shah, Viral; Edelman, Alan (February fourteen, 2012). "Why We Created Julia". Julia Language. Retrieved December 1, 2016.
  13. ^ Eaton, John W. (May 21, 2001). "Octave: Past, Present, and Future" (PDF). Texas-Wisconsin Modeling and Control Consortium. Archived from the original (PDF) on August nine, 2017. Retrieved December 1, 2016.
  14. ^ "History". Scilab. Archived from the original on December 1, 2016. Retrieved Dec i, 2016.
  15. ^ Due south.M. Rump: INTLAB – INTerval LABoratory. In Tibor Csendes, editor, Developments in Reliable Computing, pages 77–104. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999.
  16. ^ Moore, R. Due east., Kearfott, R. B., & Cloud, M. J. (2009). Introduction to Interval Analysis. Society for Industrial and Practical Mathematics.
  17. ^ Rump, Southward. M. (2010). Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-indicate arithmetic. Acta Numerica, 19, 287–449.
  18. ^ Hargreaves, G. I. (2002). Interval analysis in MATLAB. Numerical Algorithms, (2009.1).
  19. ^ "The L-Shaped Membrane". MathWorks. 2003. Retrieved February 7, 2014.
  20. ^ "System Requirements and Platform Availability". MathWorks. Retrieved August 14, 2013.
  21. ^ "Platform Road Map for MATLAB and Simulink Product Families". . Retrieved December 22, 2021.
  22. ^ The MathWorks (February 2020). "Visitor Overview" (PDF).
  23. ^ a b c d e f 1000 h Chonacky, N.; Winch, D. (2005). "Reviews of Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab: Coming Soon to a Publication Nigh You". Calculating in Science & Engineering. Plant of Electric and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). seven (2): 9–10. Bibcode:2005CSE.....7b...9C. doi:10.1109/mcse.2005.39. ISSN 1521-9615. S2CID 29660034.
  24. ^ a b c d east f g h Haigh, Thomas. "Cleve Moler: Mathematical Software Pioneer and Creator of Matlab" (PDF). IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. IEEE Computer Society.
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Farther reading [edit]

  • Gilat, Amos (2004). MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications second Edition. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN978-0-471-69420-5.
  • Quarteroni, Alfio; Saleri, Fausto (2006). Scientific Calculating with MATLAB and Octave. Springer. ISBN978-3-540-32612-0.
  • Ferreira, A.J.K. (2009). MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Assay. Springer. ISBN978-1-4020-9199-v.
  • Lynch, Stephen (2004). Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB. Birkhäuser. ISBN978-0-8176-4321-8.

External links [edit]

  • Official website
  • MATLAB at Curlie


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